Some of my after-school boredom drawings. Enjoy. :]
As I may have told you in my fist blog, thinking creatures are my favorite things to draw for they have emotions. Showing emotions on papers is simply fun for me, but I didn't simply do it for fun. I apply things I've observed and learned from people I see in my daily life, or even in tellies shows or movies. Sometimes, you can actually catch me staring keenly at someone or even you. But don't be bothered about that. I'm no creeper. I'm an artist.
Showing emotions through drawing a character is just like acting. You have to pretend you feel what the character feels and try to imagine how would it look like. A good actor can act well on the situation the given by the story line or the director without looking awkward. That also applies to drawing a character. No matter how good you are at drawing people and you don't feel the character, your character would look out of place and awkward, making your drawing dry. Daily I practice until I came to this promising level of my drawing skills, and I will not stop doing so until I'm the most awesome artist I can be.

I doodled on this paper while I was bored in our school's library when I was finished with my editorial cartooning training. I merely used soft charcoal, making quite a dark output. I first practiced drawing hands of different angles and positions. Then I saw a time magazine bearing Bill Clinton's face, so I doodled him in. I also saw a picture of a tree in some random book and drew it too. To be frank, any background objects are my weakness when it comes to drawing. I have to practice more of it. Then I drew that weird combination of Honest Abe and Logan.
Oh, look. More randomness. These are some of my favorite lovely chaps from the world of media. There's Zuko, Joker, Harry Potter, Luke Castellan, 2-D, some quidditch gal, random unicorn crap, Alan Rickman, beard, Sweeney Todd, and Mrs. Lovett. If you've guessed most of these blokes before reading this caption, probably we can get along so swimmingly. :]
A penguin! Yes. Isn't it cute? :3
Oh, look! A severed middle finger! :O
Yes, I'm weird.
Now, I'm not a type of artist who draw things based on my mood. I was actually quite cheerful and laughing along with my mates while drawing this. In fact, whenever I'm in a bad mood or feeling tragedy, art block occurs (art block when you lack inspiration, it makes you puke out ugly butterflies). Me making dark arts doesn't mean I'm emotional. I just enjoy doodling those stuff.
Nananananananananananananananana.... yeah. And some random god and satyr and cloaked lady and a laddie's bum.
Yes. I sucked at drawing wings. Screw me, right? So I'll just make it look like it's glowing, so I won't have to add those time-wasting details. I'm such a genius. :P Don't worry, studying animal anatomies is one of my "must learn how to draw" list.
@A:tlA fans: Oh look! Shirtless Zhao all the way! :D
War is the most interesting scene you can look into. You see so many emotions here. Fear, malice, determination, madness, sadness, disappointment, pride, pain, victory, joy, whatnot...
Weee! More of my randomness. These are my old doodles that happened to be imprinted on crumpled and insignificant papers that are just to be thrown away. Before that faith befalls those poor pieces of papers, I decided to post in so it shall last for ages. Well they look promising to me, and I post whatever I want whether it looks pathetic or not.
So these are some of my doodles. Probably I'll post more. Hope you like them.