Sabado, Oktubre 26, 2013

Sick Bloodbending

(For those who doesn't know how to read a storyboard, it's like reading an English bible. Read it up to down, left to right. Same goes through most others.)

That's right! A fabulous Legend of Korra reference, folks! :D You think it's gotta be a doozey?
Haha.. I love that broadcaster.


So this is a thought of mine of what if this show wasn't a kids' show and was a show for the teenagers and above.

There'd be blood and all, yes.

Even in the universe of this show, that bloodbending trick IS possible. With the power to control blood, they could cause instant hemorrhaging to their victims, which is scary crap, and parents wouldn't want their kids watching that.

Come to think of it. What if Yakone successfully put Avatar Aang tos sleep for good? This sort of scene would flash in the audience eyes. Thet'd be interesting, except Avatards from all over the universe would wage war and bring havoc within the internet... Cussing and posting hate words at the one who made this event happen in Aang's life.

If you ask who the characters are, they're merely one of my unnamed original characters among the thousands of my others. And to give them justice for dumping them in such a horrible storyboard, I'll just name the victim Bob, and the creepy kid Sammie. :]

This is just a little practice for making story boards. I hope you enjoyed it.

Biyernes, Oktubre 18, 2013


So much for fictions.
I fancy books talking about magic with modern jokes clashing in the worlds of old.

If you find these handsome faces are unfamiliar to you, I just pulled out the leading male character of The Kane Chronicles (written by Rick Riordan), which is Carter Kane, and your old friend Harry Potter (whom you've seen everywhere because he's the Starbucks in world of fictional books and internet) and dumped them in this paper to have fun.

If you've read these books, congratulations then. :]
To be frank, it's going to be funny tossing these blokes into a situation that they'd have to battle. I reckon that Carter would loose no matter how much Horus would screech at him of what to do.
The only disadvantage Mr. Potter to this battle is nothing. He could spew crap-loads of magic out of his wand anytime he want without having his energy wear out easily (Except for casting a patronus against dementors. But Carter isn't a dementor, so it's unnecessary.).
Carter, on the other hand, could easily loose energy especially if he cast too much spells or a powerful one. Plus casting an Egyptian spell can take time. Casting spells in the world of Harry Potter would only take for a matter of seconds...

Whew. Okay. Call me a nerd, a Potterhead, a Kanehead, or whatever. Each artists have their own addictions you know. :]

Linggo, Oktubre 13, 2013


Some of my after-school boredom drawings. Enjoy. :]

As I may have told you in my fist blog, thinking creatures are my favorite things to draw for they have emotions. Showing emotions on papers is simply fun for me, but I didn't simply do it for fun. I apply things I've observed and learned from people I see in my daily life, or even in tellies shows or movies. Sometimes, you can actually catch me staring keenly at someone or even you. But don't be bothered about that. I'm no creeper. I'm an artist. 
Showing emotions through drawing a character is just like acting. You have to pretend you feel what the character feels and try to imagine how would it look like. A good actor can act well on the situation the given by the story line or the director without looking awkward. That also applies to drawing a character. No matter how good you are at drawing people and you don't feel the character, your character would look out of place and awkward, making your drawing dry. Daily I practice until I came to this promising level of my drawing skills, and I will not stop doing so until I'm the most awesome artist I can be. 
I doodled on this paper while I was bored in our school's library when I was finished with my editorial cartooning training. I merely used soft charcoal, making quite a dark output. I first practiced drawing hands of different angles and positions. Then I saw a time magazine bearing Bill Clinton's face, so I doodled him in. I also saw a picture of a tree in some random book and drew it too. To be frank, any background objects are my weakness when it comes to drawing. I have to practice more of it. Then I drew that weird combination of Honest Abe and Logan.
Oh, look. More randomness. These are some of my favorite lovely chaps from the world of media. There's Zuko, Joker, Harry Potter, Luke Castellan, 2-D, some quidditch gal, random unicorn crap, Alan Rickman, beard, Sweeney Todd, and Mrs. Lovett. If you've guessed most of these blokes before reading this caption, probably we can get along so swimmingly. :]

A penguin! Yes. Isn't it cute? :3 

Oh, look! A severed middle finger! :O
Yes, I'm weird. 

Now, I'm not a type of artist who draw things based on my mood. I was actually quite cheerful and laughing along with my mates while drawing this. In fact, whenever I'm in a bad mood or feeling tragedy, art block occurs (art block when you lack inspiration, it makes you puke out ugly butterflies). Me making dark arts doesn't mean I'm emotional. I just enjoy doodling those stuff. 

 Nananananananananananananananana.... yeah. And some random god and satyr and cloaked lady and a laddie's bum.
Yes. I sucked at drawing wings. Screw me, right? So I'll just make it look like it's glowing, so I won't have to add those time-wasting details. I'm such a genius. :P Don't worry, studying animal anatomies is one of my "must learn how to draw" list.
@A:tlA fans: Oh look! Shirtless Zhao all the way! :D

War is the most interesting scene you can look into. You see so many emotions here. Fear, malice, determination, madness, sadness, disappointment, pride, pain, victory, joy, whatnot... 

Weee! More of my randomness. These are my old doodles that happened to be imprinted on crumpled and insignificant papers that are just to be thrown away. Before that faith befalls those poor pieces of papers, I decided to post in so it shall last for ages. Well they look promising to me, and I post whatever I want whether it looks pathetic or not.

So these are some of my doodles. Probably I'll post more. Hope you like them.

Lunes, Oktubre 7, 2013

The Tales of the Beadle and the Bard

For y'all lovely Potterheads!!!!!
These are some of my sketches in one of my boredom notebooks; some illustrations from a Harry Potter extra, The Tales of the Beadle and the Bard, written by the one and only J.K. Rowling. 

For those who complain why I haven't sketched anything about "Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump" and "The Tale of the Three Brothers", well sorry about that. I'm dying to draw it, but my "to draw" list is overflowing with idea blobs. Maybe someday I'll draw it for the sake of my our satisfaction. 

For those who haven't read or finished the Harry Potter series or read this babe, I recommend you to do so before you die. But I'll give you some bloody spoilers brief summaries about the Tales of the Beadle and the Bard.

"The Wizard and the Hopping Pot"

            This is a story about a stupid, stubborn, and selfish wizard who had a kind wizard for a father. At his father's death, this enchanted pot that gives people miracle potions for healing the sick was given to him. Desperate people who had sick and hungry family came, and his selfishness made them go. Now this enchanted pot taught him a lesson by transforming into an annoying and disgusting hopping pot. And everyone lives happily ever after.

 "The Fountain of Fair Fortune"

            This tale tells you about three unfortunate ladies and a sorry-butt knight who happened to be lucky enough to be four in a million to enter into the tall walls enclosing the Fountain of Fair Fortune. Within these walls are obstacles that they faced in order to get to that fountain. And yes, judging by the picture, you can actually tell who got to bathe in it. But don't worry about the three women. This journey actually made them realize that they've found happiness.

"The Warlock's Hairy Heart"

            This story indulged me for being the most gruesome of the tales. In this story was a warlock who never wanted to fall prey into cupid's arrows. So he made some forbidden sorcery to fulfill his wishes. He grew up having myriads of fan girls because of his pretty face. But then he chose to marry a woman for the sake of his reputation because he heard people blabbering about how pathetic he is for not having a wife and children to carry on his opulence. During a party when he invited his future wife and her rich family in his mansion, he brought that lady into a room where he performed dark arts to reveal his secret. His hairy heart in a casket.... This gives you an idea of what a horcrux is.

So there you go. Hope you like it.
And just for fun, I challenge you to find the hidden symbol of the Deathly Hollows, and I'll give you kudos cookies. :]

Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

Mugi and Xen

My favourite original characters! The children of General Dailu.

Mugi Dailu.

You may have met her in my first blog. She's a pirate ninja, as you may know. Her family was one of the most powerful in the Empire of Houlixen. There, in their capital city Pinlun, they train to be elite warriors or ninjas. Mugi was the youngest to become a real ninja, in the age of 12.
      In that same age, Mugi and her brother witnessed a tragic war. The great Kingdom of Sunlitto, in their mission of dominating the entirety of the earth, brutally invaded Houlixen in surprise attack. Their father died in battle, they watched their mother get slaughtered before them, and they barely escaped their fiery demise.
      Mugi was knocked out of conscious because of too much pain from burnt face and severed hand. Her little brother (in the age of 10) has to carry her heavy arse out from danger and hide in a cave. The next day, While Mugi is still unconscious and her injuries are dressed, Xen tried to get out of their hideout to fetch some food and firewood. But alas, he was captured by the Sunlittonians.
      Meanwhile, Mugi was unraveled by a bunch of pirates who were scouring for riches in the aftermath of war. Since then, she lived with them and was influenced by them to become a pirate. Now she's one of those notorious pirate that plunders places within mere minutes by her ninja skills.

Xen Dailu.

            Mugi's long lost brother. As a captor of the Sunlittonians, he was bound to be a slave. But since he proved to be a good one, and was known to be a great flute player, he was promoted to work in the king's palace and entertain him. 
            Despite of the six bitter years in worries of her sister, he secretly found an intimate friend in the king's daughter, Princes Venisce, who later became his crush... and he's too pathetic to admit it, even though she's to be engaged by a rich douche.
            Anyway, a bunch of pirates tried make an almost impossible game of trying to break in the Sunlittonian capital and plunder without getting caught. That's when Xen once again had a reunion with hir sister. But she was forced to leave him to avoid getting caught and brought along her trophies of being the best in this activity. 
            Because of that, Xen had a spark of breaking out of the palace and vowed to search for his sister. And there you go... an adventure for Xen after his six boring years.


              Oh! And don't forget Venisce. She's also coming along with him. He tried to deny her offer of companionship because he's worried about her safety, but he can't simply deny such experience that can give him chances of having her to become his official girlfriend. 

 ...So, there you go. A story that I came up with these lovely chaps. I hope I can finish it and make a comic out of it.

A Brief Introduction of Me:

More about myself:

I have two more years to endure in high school before I could FINALLY enter an actual art school in college. It's time I have to make my internet art profile for y'all to see. My art works may not be that kickass compared to those of professionals, but I'll beat the crap out of my limits and become one. For now, I'm merely a hobbyist who has the passion for arts (especially drawing thinking creatures), and I'll make it my profession. My ambition is to be the best animator and comic artist I can be. And if I have spare time and a wads of cash in my life, I'm gonna make awesome cosplays because I've always want to make some. 

For all you other artists or wanna be artists out there who're not familiar with deviantart or this meme, and you want to try this out, get this babe here ----->