Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

Mugi and Xen

My favourite original characters! The children of General Dailu.

Mugi Dailu.

You may have met her in my first blog. She's a pirate ninja, as you may know. Her family was one of the most powerful in the Empire of Houlixen. There, in their capital city Pinlun, they train to be elite warriors or ninjas. Mugi was the youngest to become a real ninja, in the age of 12.
      In that same age, Mugi and her brother witnessed a tragic war. The great Kingdom of Sunlitto, in their mission of dominating the entirety of the earth, brutally invaded Houlixen in surprise attack. Their father died in battle, they watched their mother get slaughtered before them, and they barely escaped their fiery demise.
      Mugi was knocked out of conscious because of too much pain from burnt face and severed hand. Her little brother (in the age of 10) has to carry her heavy arse out from danger and hide in a cave. The next day, While Mugi is still unconscious and her injuries are dressed, Xen tried to get out of their hideout to fetch some food and firewood. But alas, he was captured by the Sunlittonians.
      Meanwhile, Mugi was unraveled by a bunch of pirates who were scouring for riches in the aftermath of war. Since then, she lived with them and was influenced by them to become a pirate. Now she's one of those notorious pirate that plunders places within mere minutes by her ninja skills.

Xen Dailu.

            Mugi's long lost brother. As a captor of the Sunlittonians, he was bound to be a slave. But since he proved to be a good one, and was known to be a great flute player, he was promoted to work in the king's palace and entertain him. 
            Despite of the six bitter years in worries of her sister, he secretly found an intimate friend in the king's daughter, Princes Venisce, who later became his crush... and he's too pathetic to admit it, even though she's to be engaged by a rich douche.
            Anyway, a bunch of pirates tried make an almost impossible game of trying to break in the Sunlittonian capital and plunder without getting caught. That's when Xen once again had a reunion with hir sister. But she was forced to leave him to avoid getting caught and brought along her trophies of being the best in this activity. 
            Because of that, Xen had a spark of breaking out of the palace and vowed to search for his sister. And there you go... an adventure for Xen after his six boring years.


              Oh! And don't forget Venisce. She's also coming along with him. He tried to deny her offer of companionship because he's worried about her safety, but he can't simply deny such experience that can give him chances of having her to become his official girlfriend. 

 ...So, there you go. A story that I came up with these lovely chaps. I hope I can finish it and make a comic out of it.

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